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We don’t realize the value of words and how it’s going to impact them. We lack courtesy in our day to day life. Emotions are unconsciously attach with our mind and heart, which plays a dominant role in our life. Unfortunately our education system lacks civics sense. We are being taught to be educationist but education doesn’t emphasizes qualities of become good citizen.
Importance of words in Retail Sector
The way we say thank you or sorry it has indirect impact on others. Words do matters but more than that tone has its own impression on people. Customer always wants to feel special, this is universal reality, if we greet someone with warm and sincerity. We’re going to get positive vibes. If we’re rude to anyone else obviously in return we won’t welcome. We greet our friends and family likewise we do socially. The most different element of communication is selection of words. Unfortunately we don’t pay much attention to it.
Consumer behaviour
We hear different acronyms used by retail salespeople in Point of Sales Software Training Development Developer Official Support Partner Services Company Solution in Doha Al Rayyan Qatar. Only sales associate know what they’re speaking, in general customer have no idea about words you choose. The impact on customer is different. The primary responsibility of sales associate is to make customer feel special and confident in Quick Service POS Software Training Development Developer Official Support Partner Services Company Solution in Doha Al Rayyan Qatar.
Impact on Sales
Communication has its own identity and it cannot be denied. Rapport building is very important in sales process. It is difficult to sell product without rapport building. Customer is genuinely more interested in your company services if they’re treated with respect and dignity. Customers prefer to hear logical reasons not fable stories in Retail POS Software Training Development Developer Official Support Partner Services Company Solution in Doha Al Rayyan Qatar. Consumer will prefer doing shopping if good customer service is given to them.